Friday, September 30, 2016

What is the best translation job portal?

Translation is a vast industry which is growing little by little promoting people to find such a place where translation agencies as well as the translators from all over the world can cooperate with each other. There are lots of membership based portals or websites where hundreds of translation jobs are posted every day.

Any translator can become a member of these websites; where he has to provide all the information about his translation work experiences like projects, years of experiences, his previous employers or present employers etc.

A translator can copy paste his or her translation resume directly on the website. if a translation agency needs a translator in a particular language, then they can search the translator and access to his or her resume. A translator can register himself or herself with as many languages as he or she wants.

Once a translation agency posts a translation job, a notification is sent to those translators who have registered themselves with those language pairs. A common translation jobs job notification is sent to all the translators at the same time.

A translation agency provides all the detail or specific detail in notification. Registered translators can reply accordingly and negotiate further; after terms and conditions like translation’s domain, charges, deadline etc are discussed a project is assigned by the translation agency to the translator.

If you are looking for such a membership-based translation’s portal, you can find much more, but proz is one of them which is highly reliable as it is used by all over the world. To register yourself as a translator you can click over here. is running number of membership programs; payable or free, you can register according to your budget. 

Thursday, September 29, 2016

How to find language translation agencies?

Language Translation agencies are growing up day by day creating more jobs for new linguists or translators, interpreters and transcriptionists all over the world. Some language translation agencies are serious and honest with a goal to remain in the industry for a long time but some translation agencies just want to make money by hook and by crook.
So, if you are looking for a translation agency for any type of translation jobs, transcription or interpretation; or you are a linguists or translators looking for a job and want to send your resume.
Before jumping to beg any project that you think will give you lots of money, you should read about that particular translation agency, read about their clients, what their clients and translators say about them.
Most of the translation agencies are registered with lots of translation directories; find their names in those translation agencies and see if they are not blacklisted. If any translation agency is blacklisted, you will know the reason of being blacklisted by the translation directory with a comment from the translator.
Most of the Issues of translation agencies are related to payments; sometimes, translators delay the project or they don’t provide the quality which results in project cancellation. Translator just writes a comment that a particular translation agency didn’t pay them as promised.
Sometimes, translators post negative comments to hide their fault or get some sympathy; this way they totally want to avoid their responsibility.
If you are new in language translation business; you will not be able to understand anything in the beginning. As far as language translation is concerned, it is going day by day and professional translation agencies are always in need of experienced and dedicated translators.
If you want to make a career in language translation then you should talk to the translation agencies in detail about your doubts. You should also read other articles or comments posted by number of translators from around the world.

But I can conclude that there is no yardstick to check if a translator or a translation agency is up to your expectation unless you strike a deal with them. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

How to become successful Urdu and Hindi Translator?

Hindi and Urdu are considered to sister language which are spoken, written; and used by the majority of Indian population. The speakers of these two languages can be found in every part of the world. You will not be able to make a difference between Urdu and Hindi in general life while talking to people except a few words.

If you want to make a career in these two languages then you have to learn a second language of your choice or which you are comfortable with or if  you think that a particular language is more in demand.

There are lots of translation agencies and language institutes; just go over there and read about them. You can find lots of websites to know what kind of knowledge you should have.
If you know second language other than Hindi or Urdu then you can send your resume to a translation agency mentioning yourself as a fresher. But most of the translation agencies don’t prefer to new comers because translation is a very particular industry which demands lots of parameters.

But still there are some translation agencies which assign small jobs like certificates, small slogans, one word image translation to new translators because new translators are either ready to take the job at very low cost or free to gain some experience. But the translation done by them still need to be proofread and edited by a qualified editor or proofreader.
You can ask for the correction version from the translation agency and request some feedback to encourage your skills.

But still make sure that Urdu translator’s job is not a cup of tea that you pick up and have a sip from. If you are motivated and encouraged while watching people just simply reading a sentence and typing into target language, think again and as many times as possible. Nobody can claim to become an Urdu translator overnight. First you have to get mastery over Urdu language which is spoken in India and other parts of the world.

Urdu language is the combination of Arabic, Persian and some words of English nowadays. Urdu translation requires having regular flow of sentences and beautiful word selection. The more you learn about Persian and Arabic, the more advantages and benefits you will see in your Urdu translation. India is a hub of native Urdu translators and most the companies find cheap Urdu translation here, but I would not suggest you to join such people who are selling their skills on cheap rates.

New use cheap Urdu translation in your resume or while communicating with the client, just mention “negotiable”.

There are lots of technical words which you will learn day by day to make your career solid and permanent with translation agency you are working for. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Are you looking for Freelance Urdu translation job?

Urdu translation jobs are coming up day by day because of number of reasons which include business promotion, job opportunities etc. Anyone having the knowledge of Urdu language with a second language like English, Germany, and French etc can opt for this career as it promises long term financial benefits.
The job of Urdu translation is not limited up to a specific or limited area, there are other options as well; such as Urdu transcription, Urdu interpretation etc. Before thinking about this career, you must remember that this filed requires immense amount of patience, dedication towards job and your love to learn new challenges daily.
Translation agencies all over the world prefer those translators who are always ready to accept new projects with low prices and short deadline. During the last five years, dozens of translation agencies have come with hundreds of projects, which promoted Urdu speaking people to try their luck in Urdu translation jobs.
Due to advanced internet technology finding Urdu translation job has become simpler and easier in comparison to old time, when everyone was supposed to get up early in the morning and would go here and there to meet someone; find a job etc.
Internet has provided new ways of understanding the life as well as human thinking and philosophy. There is no doubt that world has shrunk a lot still we don't have time for ourselves. That’s why people want to do such things which save their time and energy and freelance Urdu translation job is perfect for anyone looking a career in translation.
Freelance Urdu translation is one of such opportunities which gives ample chances to sit at home and make quick money.
Though making a career in Urdu translation is not as tough as people think but there are some principles which everyone should respect and believe.
Be sincere towards your job, responsibility and always ready to reply phone calls and emails. If you are working as a full-time Urdu translator in office, then you should keep in mind that your services might be required anytime of the day. Translation agencies believe you only when they see quality with deadline assurance.
Translation agencies prefer to establish long term relationship with those freelance Urdu translators who are ready to get up at midnight and start working on urgent projects. Translators, who have no excuses like I am sick, my mother is in the hospital etc, are always the first choice of translation agencies.
Though this profession is tough but it gives you value for your time and services.
If you are committed to your deadline and business ethics, you are always preferred.
Requirements for Urdu translation is expanding day by day because of several business related affairs all over the world. The majority of people is able to speak and read Urdu language in India and in other parts of the world. Which creates a necessity for companies to provide information in Urdu.
Companies and agencies are looking for the best Urdu Translators having expertise and experience in different domain; but sometimes it costs more than expected.
Finding a qualified and experienced Urdu translator also becomes a problem. There are a few Indian Urdu translation companies offering Cheap Urdu translation with the best quality.
In addition to this, deadline is also very important in some cases. In my long Urdu translation experience, I also had to meet 30 minute deadline which was successfully met.

If you are looking for Urdu translation job then you must understand this industry, and why you want to make a career in this field.